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Queer XXXtreme Sports Book Club – Sexuality Beyond Consent

When: running all throughout 2025; please check our notion page.

Where: the Queery, Brighton

Tickets: Free, signing up to the mail list is essential

About: currently slowly reading Sexuality Beyond Consent: Risk, Race, Traumatophilia by Avgi Saketopolou. More info here.


❇️ The Queery is wheelchair accessible with a wheelchair accessible bathroom.
❇️ The Queery will be open to public during the reading group hours but we will have our own separated section.
❇️ reading books is hard – facts. we will welcome low effort and slowness.
❇️ we read out-loud on the day, no preparation necessary
❇️ you don’t have to buy a book, there will be a photocopy to save on costs (please inform us of your need for printouts)

❇️ Please register for the mailing list and you will receive access to an email to ask any and all questions you might have!

Past events

How to Find Oneself in a Queer Cuddle Puddle 2: Theory & Practice

When: Sunday 12 January 2025, 12noon-4pm

Where: South East Dance – The Dance Space, 2 Market Sq, Circus St, Brighton and Hove, Brighton BN2 9AS

Tickets: £0-40, booking is essential

About: Why must we chase a romantic partner to meet our cuddle needs? Can we go into gay bushes for cuddle-cruising? Can there be a cuddling co-op? Touch starvation and systemic isolation are prevalent and it is time we start organising around relationship-building & collective pleasure. We believe touch and self-expression are fundamental medicines that teach us how to build kinship and strong-weaved networks of support, community and mutual aid.

Our highly loved pleasure garden is back! read more about it here, including testimonials from past participants.

ACCESSIBILITY: detailed event and venue access info is here.

Queer XXXtreme Sports Book Club – Against Ageism

When: Sunday 2nd June, 2-5pm
Sunday 23 June, 2-5pm
Sunday 14 July, 2-5pm
Sunday 28 July, 2-5pm
Sunday 22 September, 2-5pm
Sunday 6 October, 2-5pm
Sunday 13 October, 2-5pm
Sunday 20 October, 2-5pm

Where: the Queery, Brighton

Tickets: Free, signing up to the mail list is essential

About:  u scared of getting old? think old age magically turns people into stuckup boring conservatives? nervous you are not living up to “normal” timeline? AGE IS COERCIVE and u can be badass & powerful knowing HOW and WHY

but basically!! vi is starting an adrenaline-fuelled reading group: “atm there are three books that i want to start reading in community and when i read those books i get all hot and excited and shattered and i kinda want to look away but also i want to eat these books and lick these ideas and like i need to tell the world about them, and then violently make out with someone, and then have pillow talks with everyone at once. i feel these books are seriously important or why the obsession.”

first we are reading AGAINST AGEISM: A QUEER MANIFESTO. you can purchase a copy for £16 on the day (shipped from an independent bookshop in Berlin).

note on the name from vi: “i point at things and call them queer extreme sports almost everyday. i guess queer extreme sports is anything mad you do to taste life for all that it is? the boundlessness of spirit wanting to experience both luxurious ecstatic abundance as well as lying in the ditch somewhere deprived crying & shaking. QXS are especially the things that you really are “not supposed” to do. the things that might shatter you and yet you move towards them. hurt you and yet why would you resist. trigger you but you can’t look away. against institutionalised rationalism. against the ego’s longing for stability and neatness and binding. going & going & breaking & breaking (away from)”

it will be nice! it will be dangerous! we will listen to our bodies! which is also wild and dangerous these days! we will eat the meal of our times! we will try out best to bring & share some food!


❇️ The Queery is wheelchair accessible with a wheelchair accessible bathroom.
❇️ The Queery will be open to public during the reading group hours but we will have our own separated section.
❇️ reading books is hard – facts. we will welcome low effort and slowness.
❇️ you don’t have to buy a book, there will be a photocopy to save on costs.
❇️ you don’t have to finish the reading, although that helps!

❇️ Please register for the mailing list and you will receive access to an email to ask any and all questions you might have!

touch-friends! wow!! wow!!!

When: Sunday 19th May 12noon-4pm

Where: South East Dance at The Dance Space

Tickets: Free, booking is essential

About:  do you want to feel awe for the sacred vessels full of fun & pleasure mysteries i.e. OUR BODIES? sense the magic electricity of the collective? explore if attuned & invited touch makes you feel stronger and healthier? then this is for you.

to build on the radiant sweet joy of “how to find oneself in a queer cuddle puddle?” event, vi is putting on another pleasure garden with @heybabeitsem via @devilsdykes. we are sickly and burnt out and want to call in some easy ease eeeeeaaaaasssseeeeeee with this spell as humans and as organising-facilitators so please bear with us as we do this slowly and learn how to not overdo it ⭐️

this is an event about undoing romantic & sexual relationships as THE ONLY sites of pleasureable touch and holding. it is about FRIENDSHIP MAKING ALL THE DREAMS COME TRUE. it is about inventing new words (or spells!) for our new relationships in the next world that we are building. touchy feely friendlovers loverfriends from all kinds of queer planets and orientations — please RSVP online.


 ❇️ Thorough information about venue accessibility, event accesibility and what to expect is on our Eventbrite page.

❇️ Please get in touch with devilsdykenetwork@gmail.com with a subject line “touch-friends wow!” for further questions and support, we are happy to chat to you.

Ancestral Writing

When: Saturday 24th February 1.30-4pm

Where: In the exhibition space at The Ledward Centre, 14a Jubilee Street, Brighton, BN1 1GE

Tickets: Book your place @ https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/ancestral-writing-workshop-with-leni-tickets-792588622907?aff=oddtdtcreator 

About:   A pleasure garden to explore creative writing practice through ancestral history.  We will do embodied writing, journaling and use our own archival research. There will be elements of spiritual practice and home cooked food for a truly restful and warm place to be together in.

This workshop / pleasure garden is being held as part of the: ‘Joy – A Queer Feminist Exhibition’ workshop program.



The Ledward centre has a level entrance from the street and a wide door, there’s an accessible lift down to the exhibition space or alternatively 22 steps. There’s also an accessible toilet. There are chairs and also a rest space with beanbags and a rug available to chill out in.  Please, in the spirit of spreading joy, rather than winter lurgies, only come if you are well. Think about others wellbeing / joy and if in any doubt wear a mask. For any further accessibility needs please e-mail us at: devilsdykenetwork@gmail.com


❇️ :-)

How To Find Oneself in a QUEER CUDDLE PUDDLE? Theory & Practice

When: Sunday 18th February 1-4pm

Where: downstairs at The Ledward Centre, 14a Jubilee Street, Brighton, BN1 1GE 

Tickets: Free, booking is essential

About:  Why must we chase a romantic partner to meet our cuddle needs? Can we go into gay bushes for cuddle-cruising? Can there be a cuddling co-op? Touch starvation and systemic isolation are real and serious issues in our society and it is time we start organising around collective pleasure. We believe touch and self-expression are fundamental medicines that teach us how to build kinship and strong-weaved networks of support, community and mutual aid.

Join us for this playful and very soft event, where we will move towards possibilities of cuddle puddles. We will create a held non-judgemental space to talk about the power of touch, explore consent frameworks and exercises, centre embodiment and maaaaaaybe, if some of you feel like it, put our theory into practice and have a sweet cuddle puddle time at the end. Please wear warm layers, bring cushions, throws and yoga mats to make the space as cosy as possible (we will spend some time on the floor and it is cold), and read more info when registering for the event – booking is essential!

 This pleasure garden is being held as part of the: ‘Joy – A Queer Feminist Exhibition’ workshop program.


 ❇️ Thorough information about venue accessibility, event accesibility and what to expect is on out Eventbrite page.

❇️ Please get in touch with devilsdykenetwork@gmail.com with a subject line “Queer Cuddle Puddle” for further questions and support, we are happy to chat to you.

Mapping Queer Feminist Joy

When: Saturday 17th February 1-3pm

Where: In the exhibition space at The Ledward Centre, 14a Jubilee Street, Brighton, BN1 1GE

Tickets: Book your place @ https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/mapping-queer-feminist-joy-for-all-queer-women-trans-non-binary-folk-tickets-788561678207 

About:  Multidisciplinary workshop, creating personal maps  through a heartfelt exploration of queer feminist joy. -mindful listening, optional gentle movement, note-making, sketching, navigating barriers and the unique art of heart-stirring.

This workshop / pleasure garden is being held as part of the: ‘Joy – A Queer Feminist Exhibition’ workshop program.



The Ledward centre has a level entrance from the street and a wide door, there’s an accessible lift down to the exhibition space or alternatively 22 steps. There’s also an accessible toilet. There are chairs and also a rest space with beanbags and a rug available to chill out in.  Please, in the spirit of spreading joy, rather than winter lurgies, only come if you are well. Think about others wellbeing / joy and if in any doubt wear a mask. For any further accessibility needs please e-mail us at: devilsdykenetwork@gmail.com


❇️ Our journey begins with sound. You will be played a specially created soundscape and you’ll be invited to listen and respond with movement.
❇️ Following this, you’ll respond to verbal prompts by writing notes and drawing/sketching.
❇️ We’ll explore “heart-stirring” – an alternative to the word, “brainstorming” – welcomely exploring our various paths, strands to joy (including surprising, strange, unexpected, challenging)
❇️ We’ll appreciate each other’s maps and the diverse journeys shared.

Ace Space

When: Tuesday 13th February 1-3pm

Where: In the exhibition space at The Ledward Centre, 14a Jubilee Street, Brighton, BN1 1GE

Tickets: Book your place @ https://www.outsavvy.com/event/17797/ace-space

About:  Join us for an intimate gathering where we’ll explore discussions on queer sexuality, stepping away from the patriarchal expectation of spontaneous desire as the norm. This inclusive space welcomes anyone interested in connecting around ACE spectrum identities, including demi and grey A individuals, as well as those whose experiences deviate from hypersexualized norms. If you’re intrigued by conversations on responsive desire, you’re more than welcome too. Come join us in fostering a supportive and informative space for meaningful discussions.

This workshop / pleasure garden is being held as part of the: ‘Joy – A Queer Feminist Exhibition’ workshop program.



The Ledward centre has a level entrance from the street and a wide door, there’s an accessible lift down to the exhibition space or alternatively 22 steps. There’s also an accessible toilet. There are chairs and also a rest space with beanbags and a rug available to chill out in.  Please, in the spirit of spreading joy, rather than winter lurgies, only come if you are well. Think about others wellbeing / joy and if in any doubt wear a mask. For any further accessibility needs please e-mail us at: devilsdykenetwork@gmail.com


❇️ :-)

Writing Queer Joy back into History

When: Sunday 11th February 1.30-3pm

Where: In the exhibition space at The Ledward Centre, 14a Jubilee Street, Brighton, BN1 1GE

Tickets: Book your place @ https://www.outsavvy.com/event/17662/writing-queer-joy-back-into-history

About:  Talk and readings from the two women who write together as ‘Jay Taverner,’ author of the ‘Brynsquilver’ series of sapphic historical novels. (Signed copies will be available to buy.)

This talk is being held as part of the: ‘Joy – A Queer Feminist Exhibition’ workshop program.



The Ledward centre has a level entrance from the street and a wide door, there’s an accessible lift down to the exhibition space or alternatively 22 steps. There’s also an accessible toilet. There are chairs and also a rest space with beanbags and a rug available to chill out in.  Please, in the spirit of spreading joy, rather than winter lurgies, only come if you are well. Think about others wellbeing / joy and if in any doubt wear a mask. For any further accessibility needs please e-mail us at: devilsdykenetwork@gmail.com


❇️ :-)

Bloody Joy

When: Saturday 10th February 1-3.30pm

Where: In the exhibition space at The Ledward Centre, 14a Jubilee Street, Brighton, BN1 1GE

Tickets: Book your place @ https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/790481139367 

About: Join Aghh! Zine for a 2-and-half-hour zine-making workshop to explore the theme of “blood” as part of “Joy – A Queer Feminist Exhibition” by Devil’s Dyke Network.

What comes to mind when you think of blood? In this workshop we will explore blood through the lens of queer feminist joy with zine-making as an accessible tool to unleash our creativity and investigate the stories of strength, liberation and joy flowing through our veins.
This workshop / pleasure garden is being held as part of the: ‘Joy – A Queer Feminist Exhibition’ workshop program.



The Ledward centre has a level entrance from the street and a wide door, there’s an accessible lift down to the exhibition space or alternatively 22 steps. There’s also an accessible toilet. There are chairs and also a rest space with beanbags and a rug available to chill out in.  Please, in the spirit of spreading joy, rather than winter lurgies, only come if you are well. Think about others wellbeing / joy and if in any doubt wear a mask. For any further accessibility needs please e-mail us at: devilsdykenetwork@gmail.com


❇️ :-)

Libertas: The Story of a Festival

When: Sunday 4th February 1.30-3pm

Where: In the exhibition space at The Ledward Centre, 14a Jubilee Street, Brighton, BN1 1GE

Tickets: Booking required.

Book your place @ https://www.outsavvy.com/event/17663/libertas-the-story-of-a-festival 

About: The true story of how, twenty years ago, a trans lesbian bookseller created the largest gathering of queer women in the UK; and how, from 1998 to 2008, the city of York became the unlikely centre of all things lesbian. Jane Traies has been researching the joyful history of the ‘Libertas!’ festivals for her forthcoming book, and will share some of the stories and pictures she has collected.

This talk is being held as part of the: ‘Joy – A Queer Feminist Exhibition’ workshop program in the downstairs exhibition space. 



The Ledward centre has a level entrance from the street and a wide door, there’s an accessible lift down to the exhibition space or alternatively 22 steps. There’s also an accessible toilet. There are chairs and also a rest space with beanbags and a rug available to chill out in.  Please, in the spirit of spreading joy, rather than winter lurgies, only come if you are well. Think about others wellbeing / joy and if in any doubt wear a mask. For any further accessibility needs please e-mail us at: devilsdykenetwork@gmail.com


❇️ :-)

Locating Joy in the Body

When: Tuesday 30th January 11am-12 midday

Where: In the exhibition space at The Ledward Centre, 14a Jubilee Street, Brighton, BN1 1GE

Tickets: Booking your place @ https://QueerClinic.as.me/locatingjoy

About: Explore joy within bodily sensations beyond the mind. Align the breath with gentle movement, create space in the body & deepen self-connection with self-massage. Learn to cultivate joy within your body whenever you choose. You can participate sitting on the ground or in a chair.

This workshop / pleasure garden is being held as part of the: ‘Joy – A Queer Feminist Exhibition’ workshop program in the downstairs exhibition space.



The Ledward centre has a level entrance from the street and a wide door, there’s an accessible lift down to the exhibition space or alternatively 22 steps. There’s also an accessible toilet. There are chairs and also a rest space with beanbags and a rug available to chill out in.  Please, in the spirit of spreading joy, rather than winter lurgies, only come if you are well. Think about others wellbeing / joy and if in any doubt wear a mask. For any further accessibility needs please e-mail us at: devilsdykenetwork@gmail.com


❇️ :-)

Joy: A Queer Feminist Exhibition

When: Opening on Saturday, 20th January 3-5pm

The exhibition is open during The Ledward Centre opening hours until the  27th February 2024.

Where: The Ledward Centre, 14a Jubilee Street, Brighton, BN1 1GE

Tickets: FREE and no booking required but there’s limited places so arrive on time.

About: The Devil’s Dyke Network are back with our first ever visual art exhibition – Joy: A Queer Feminist Exhibition!

This exhibition features photography, illustration, embroidery and sculpture that celebrates what it means to be our whole selves. This is an exhibition about finding joy in our relationships with ourselves, our bodies, in work that means something, in the time we spend together, and in the future we can build together.
Join us at the opening for a mini artists’ panel, some amazing live music from @ahana.music, (non-alcoholic) drinks and a chance to see (and in some cases participate in!) the work of some amazing artists.
You can find them on instagram @besselvessel @xia_smith_art @poems.by.very.chill.death @leotheantlion @effiemakepeace @just_yaa 
Please bring cash if you can as we will be passing the hat around and selling our zines to raise funds for future events! 
The exhibition will include a series of workshops that will be advertised over the next few weeks, so watch this space!


The Ledward centre has a level entrance from the street and a wide door, there’s an accessible lift down to the exhibition space or alternatively 22 steps. There’s also an accessible toilet. There is coloured acetate available to assist reading black on white text. There are chairs and also a rest space with beanbags and a rug available to chill out in during the whole exhibition.  For any further accessibility needs please e-mail us at: devilsdykenetwork@gmail.com

❇️ The artists panel will take place at 3.30pm

❇️ Ahana will play music at 4pm

Pleasure Garden No.9: “griefing continued”

When: Saturday, 25 March 2023
4 pm – 5.30 pm (GMT)

Where: online on Zoom

Tickets: FREE, booking is essential.

About: grief is a hole and a tunnel. is a collapse and a question. is a ruin where there is love. is a normal and human reaction. is fatigue. is generally untended and demonised. is rushed. is not trusted. what does it look like to open a bit more to the exhaustion, the too-much, the depletion of our current experience?

working from the assumption that grief lives in the body and so we are using poetry and free writing to go get those pieces of grief within us.

This event is for you, if you would like to:
🌀 join a shared communal space where we are free to acknowledge the issues we had to bottle up inside to get through the first two years of the pandemic;
🌀 do some writing “from the body”;
🌀 try on different approaches to grief and see how it connects us.

❇️ The event lasts 1hr 30 min and will have a comfort break halfway.
❇️ The event will happen on Zoom. Zoom requires you to create and log in to a registered account which you can create for free here.
❇️ If you are able to, we recommend joining us from a comfortable environment where you can feel relaxed and focused.
❇️ Feel free to stay seated, lie down, move around, stim – depending on what your body needs.
❇️ We will aim to create a welcoming relaxed environment where people feel comfortable showing their faces on video. 
❇️ But please still feel free to turn your Zoom camera on and off, depending on how you feel.
❇️ If you are in a physical or mental space where you are unable to speak, you are welcome to use the chat function.
❇️ We will have Zoom’s closed caption function available. We are currently looking into better and clearer Zoom captioning solutions and will post an update ASAP.
❇️ care around the workshop (since it is a sensitive topic): we will be encouraged to know our limits, honor self and others, think about lineages of care that exist around us and to actively reach out for support after the workshop. please feel free to contact nic as well, contact details will be shared at the event.

DDN’s Open Call for Artists, Poets, Musicians & Performers

Winter-Spring 2022

Exciting news, the devil’s dykes are making a come back!! 😈✨ 

We are coming back for Devil’s Dyke Night #10 and are hoping to plan more in the future. As always, we hope to put together a truly magical lineup so we’re looking for visual artists, performers, poets, musicians and creatives who can share their talents, tell their stories, and spread political energies in a supportive and nourishing queer, feminist environment. We’ve had many first time performers and always aim to create a welcoming space – so don’t be put off if you haven’t done something like this before! In our work, we centre women, queer, trans & intersex people.

Drop us an email at devilsdykenetwork@gmail.com telling us a bit about what you do, who you are and send us 3 examples of your work (but it’s ok if you have less), we can’t wait to see what you’ve been making!! 💕


Devil’s Dyke Night Part #10

Lighthouse, Brighton
Saturday 26 March 2022, doors at 19:00
FREE ENTRY (but very limited capacity)

We are feeling blue!!! Because we haven’t seen you in so long, because the sea is turning colours. Come share this brighter night with us on 26 March, we’ve been missing each other since October 2019!

This is our long-awaited comeback for Devil’s Dyke Night – a free night of queer feminist art, poetry and performance. 

Charlotte Graham-Spouge (visual art)
Bessi (music)
Chiara Brokaw (words + music)
Elana Crowley (words)
Reanna aka One Inky Queer (words)
Heni Tinker (words)
Michelle Nathan (words)

Covid Safety
We strongly encourage everyone to take a lateral flow test (LFT) on the day of the event, and only come in if the test shows negative and you don’t experience any COVID symptoms;
❇️ We kindly ask everyone to wear a mask when entering and moving through space (unless exempt) until settled and sitting down;
Venue will operate at a limited capacity of 45 audience members;
❇️ If you have health issues and the “first come first served” policy on the night prevents you from being able to engage with our event, please email DevilsDykeNetwork@gmail.com and we will save you a spot.

There will be a special seating area at the back of the room, by the open windows, where everyone is encouraged to wear a mask. The number of seats is limited due to space. 

The venue is wheelchair accessible.
Lighthouse is a spacious venue with two floors: the ground level and the lower level. The ground level is accessed at street level, with no ramp required. 
Their gender-neutral accessible toilet is on the lower level, which you can get to via a lift. Lighthouse staff can assist with the lift.
There will be a bar selling alcoholic & non-alcoholic drinks.
For detailed information about access to the Lighthouse building see here: http://devilsdykenetwork.org/events/accessibility/

Pleasure Garden No.3: “griefing, poetry: pandemic”

When: Saturday, 12 March 2022
4 pm – 5.30 pm (GMT)

Where: online on Zoom

Tickets: FREE, booking is essential.

About: grief is a hole and a tunnel. is a collapse and a question. is a ruin where there is love. is a normal and human reaction. is fatigue. is generally untended and demonised. is rushed. is not trusted. what does it look like to open a bit more to the exhaustion, the too-much, the depletion of our current experience?

working from the assumption that grief lives in the body and so we are using poetry and free writing to go get those pieces of grief within us.

This event is for you, if you would like to:
🌀 join a shared communal space where we are free to acknowledge the issues we had to bottle up inside to get through the first two years of the pandemic;
🌀 do some writing “from the body”;
🌀 try on different approaches to grief and see how it connects us.

❇️ The event lasts 1hr 30 min and will have a comfort break halfway.
❇️ The event will happen on Zoom. Zoom requires you to create and log in to a registered account which you can create for free here.
❇️ If you are able to, we recommend joining us from a comfortable environment where you can feel relaxed and focused.
❇️ Feel free to stay seated, lie down, move around, stim – depending on what your body needs.
❇️ We will aim to create a welcoming relaxed environment where people feel comfortable showing their faces on video. 
❇️ But please still feel free to turn your Zoom camera on and off, depending on how you feel.
❇️ If you are in a physical or mental space where you are unable to speak, you are welcome to use the chat function.
❇️ We will have Zoom’s closed caption function available. We are currently looking into better and clearer Zoom captioning solutions and will post an update ASAP.
❇️ care around the workshop (since it is a sensitive topic): we will be encouraged to know our limits, honor self and others, think about lineages of care that exist around us and to actively reach out for support after the workshop. please feel free to contact nic as well, contact details will be shared at the event.

Pleasure Garden No.2: Promises & Threats

When: Wednesday, 2 March 2022
6.30 pm – 8 pm (GMT)

Where: online on Zoom

Tickets: FREE, booking is essential.

About: we will be exploring what makes a creative practice political. Artist Liv Wynter will guide us through reflections of our personal practices, allowing us to imagine the political potential of our work.

This will involve some writing tasks and we will be putting together personal manifestos which we will be able to take forward, using them to guide and inform our practices.

This event is for you, if you would like to
🟥 write a personal manifesto (!),
🟥 check in with yourself and revisit what is meaningful and important to you (both creatively and politically),
🟥 explore how these things intertwine with one another,
🟥 be a part of a community space where we can create connections over shared political energies.

❇️ The event lasts 1hr 30 min and will have a comfort break halfway.
❇️ The event will happen on Zoom. Zoom requires you to create and log in to a registered account which you can create for free here.
❇️ If you are able to, we recommend joining us from a comfortable environment where you can feel relaxed and focused.
❇️ Feel free to stay seated, lie down, move around, stim – depending on what your body needs.
❇️ We will aim to create a welcoming relaxed environment where people feel comfortable showing their faces on video. 
❇️ But please still feel free to turn your Zoom camera on and off, depending on how you feel.
❇️ If you are in a physical or mental space where you are unable to speak, you are welcome to use the chat function.
❇️ We will have Zoom’s closed caption function available. We are currently looking into better and clearer Zoom captioning solutions and will post an update ASAP.

Pleasure Garden No.1: Re-embodying Our Queer Feminist Community

When: Saturday, 29 January 2022
1pm – 4pm (GMT) with a break in the middle

Where: basement floor rooms in The Ledward Centre, Jubilee Street, BN1 1UU, Brighton (same building as Jubilee Library but different entrance)

Tickets: FREE, booking is essential.

About: In this Pleasure Garden (aka workshop), we will use creative and reflective methods to reconnect with ourselves and our place in the wider queer feminist community. The workshop will be fun and accessible, with no focus on artistic ability but rather on creating a space for dialogue with ourselves and those around us. Using playful techniques from theatre and visual arts, we will begin to imagine how we want our community to look and be and our place within it. The workshop will be facilitated by local artist and PhD student Effie Makepeace. 

This event is for you, if you would like to explore theatre exercises to reconnect with yourself and those around you in mindful, intentional ways. If you want to find the joy in the collective again and make plans for reviving our sense of community in 2022.

 Devil’s Dyke Network’s Queer Open Mic Online

28 August, 2021. FREE, tickets via Eventbrite
Facebook + Eventbrite

Do you love queer poems, stories, music, dancing and more? Would you like the chance to perform your own queer poems, stories, music, dancing and more?? Then come and join us – as audience member or performer – at Devil’s Dykes Queer Open Mic for Pride on Saturday 28 August 2021 on Zoom!

For this open mic, we’re inviting women (cis and trans), gender non-binary, and queer identified people of different origins and identities (who more often than not have difficult or complicated access to performing in other spaces) to perform live on Zoom.

You don’t have to have done anything like this before, or even consider yourself an artist – this is going to be a really warm and supportive event, and Devil’s Dyke Network actively encourages people to explore their queer creativity, whatever their previous experience.

So, whether you’re performing or cheering the artists on, grab your beverage of choice and come and chill with us online ? We look forward to seeing you at this online open mic. Share the queer joy !


 Devil’s Dyke Network’s Pleasure Garden Festival

Lighthouse, Brighton
25 October, 2019. FREE ALL DAY: 10 am – 10 pm 
Facebook event 1 + event 2.

Hey folks! Have you ever felt like you want to soak in all of the queer feminist art goodness and to chat to all of the brilliant peeps at the Devil’s Dyke Night event, but then you run out of time?… Well, we felt that too! How about we arrange a day-long hang (followed by a fab dance party afterwards) this October. Thanks to CHASE Feminist funding we got some resources to do so. We are thinking — let’s learn, move, eat, write, weave, draw, dance together, listen to some poetry of course, and get to know each other better! 

We came up with this cool line-up described on Facebook.
And you can download the programme here. But there might be some changes down the line, so please keep an eye on hour social media updates.

The spaces in some activities and classes are limited, and those would be allocated on first come first served basis on the day. However, if you’re travelling from afar, or have specific access needs, or would prefer to secure a place for any other reason – email ddnbookings@gmail.com with a line about what activities you are interested in (no pressure to share any other details with us).


Devil’s Dyke Network at The Coast Is Queer

The Spire, Brighton
12 September 2019, 8 pm – 10 pm

‘The Coast is Queer’ is a new LGBTQ+ festival of writers and writing, happening 12-15 September 2019, Brighton, UK. Devil’s Dyke Network has been invited to host an event on the opening night at the lovely Spire in Kemptown, Brighton. Stay tuned for line-up announcements!

DDN Big Pleasure Garden: Open Planning Meet up

Cowley Club, Brighton
1 Aug 2019, 17:30 – 19:00.
Followed by a vegan meal, 19:00 – 20:00.
link to FB event

At this particular planning event — open to everybody who has interest in organising, feminism, queer activism, and local community strengthening — we want to gather friends, comrades, colleagues, and siblings to reflect on our hopes, plans, and actions. As well as brief anybody interested in joining the organising collective on where we are at.

We want to have a non-academic discussion and hear people’s opinions on questions like this:

?? What is that “good thing” that we are all striving to do through community organising?
?? What should we collectively engage with?
?? What, do you feel, is not engaged with in the right way?
?? What does it mean (to you) to make spaces more accessible for communities in Brighton?
?? What are you missing in the local events/ scenes/ spaces?
?? How can this be done and how do we want to do it? 

Devil’s Dyke Night #8

Lighthouse, Brighton
4th July 2019, doors at 6:30

It’s Wet Warm-ish British Summer, so let’s celebrate the season with some queer feminist mischief, poetry, music, art and performances! We are back at lovely Lighthouse, located in central Brighton for your access and pleasure, so join us there on 4 July, 2019.

Sarah Dawson (visual art & performance)
Imogen Parry (poetry)
Savannah Sevenzo (poetry)
Verity Spott (poetry)
Deadbit Babe (music)


Devil’s Dyke Night #7

Lighthouse, Brighton
22nd March 2019, doors at 6:30

Healing winter is over folks – here’s to the lifetime of healing! Devil’s Dyke Network is back and feeling revived for the new season of queer intersectional anti-capitalist feminist magic! We are hosting an intimate event at our new venue Lighthouse Gallery with visual art, three poets and a musical act. The venue is smaller in size with 80 people capacity, so get there early to avoid disappointment. 

We can’t wait to see, hear and feel you presence again! And check out the new info on our Accessibility page.

Daisy Gamble (visual art)
Simi Bickersteth (poetry)
Genie Dalloway (poetry)
Kissing (music)
Elena Bianco (poetry)


Brighton Women’s Strike 2019

Clock Tower, Brighton
8th March 2019
6 pm, more info here

Organised by Brighton International Feminist Network and Women’s Strike Assembly – UK. On the 8th of March we will gather at 6.30pm at the Clock Tower in Brighton (UK) and we’ll march together through the centre to stand against rape culture, unpaid reproductive work, LGBTQ+ rights being violated, gender based violence and fascist movements that threaten Human Rights.


Performance by TAngerinecAT with Greenness and R.Dyer

The Hope & Ruin, Brighton
27th April 2019
£5 ENTRY, tickets here

Cute Owl Promotions in association with FemFridays and Devil’s Dyke Network presents: An amazing night of highly individual genre-defying music with a plethora of musical instruments. Celebrating freedom and diversity of art! ?


DDN’s Open Call for Artists, Poets, Musicians & Performers

Spring – Summer 2019

With the self-proclaimed ‘Healing Winter’ coming to an end, the Devil’s Dyke Network is once again encouraging poets, artists and performers to reach out and share their spark! We are back to running bi-monthly events in Brighton called Devil’s Dyke Nights and if you want to perform or feature your work – please send samples of your art (art, craft, hobby, new beginnings) with a couple of words about yourself to devilsdykenetwork@gmail.com

For more info about us or if you want to chat, visit out socials:


Stay tuned for event announcements!


Devil’s Dyke Night #6

Fabrica Gallery, Brighton
6th September 2018

SUMMER IS ALMOST OVER! But Devil’s Dyke Network is here to make it right. Welcome to our sixth queer feminist poetry, art and music night presented in partnership with Fabrica. Come and share this space with us in a night of solidarity and resistance!

Claire Bessel (visual art)
Hazel Karooma-Brooker (music)
Daisy Behagg (words)
Emma McGordon (words)
Linda Paoli (words)
Emma Harrison (music)
Victoria Holt (words)
Suhaiymah Manzoor-Khan (words)


Devil’s Dyke Network’s BDAY Party!

Hove beach (East end of Hove Lawns, BN3 1EH, Hove)
Sunday 12th August 2018, 3pm – evening

The Devil’s Dyke Network is turning 1 year old!

It was in fact almost one year ago that we hosted our first ever night at ONCA gallery, in the post-chaos of Pride and stress of dissertations. TODAY, we return to celebrate not only our work, but especially the magical community that has been supporting us in our first year of life! 

Stall at Trans Pride

Brunswick Square, Hove, BN3 1EH, Hove
Saturday 21st July 2018, 1pm – 6pm

We’ll have a stall at Trans Pride. Come and say hi! We will also be selling printed copies of our DDN Zine #1 for the price of £3.

Evento Estudiantes Nicas

O N C A Gallery, Brighton
Sunday 8th July 2018, 5pm – 8pm

Informative discussion panel and poetic performances in support of the current Nicaraguan resistance movement.

More info: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/jul/10/nicaragua-students-reluctant-rebels


Devil’s Dyke Night #5

Fabrica Gallery, Brighton
Wednesday 6th June 2018

INLAND zine feat. Lydia Heath (curated exhibit)
Iris Judea (music)
Manmeet Kaur (words)
Sol (words)
Helen Dixon (words)
Token Fubara (animation)
Alyssa MacAlister (words)
tAngerinecAt (music)

Devil’s Dyke Night #4

Fabrica Gallery, Brighton
28th March 2018, 7pm

Marga Rebolledo (visual art)
Violeta Marchenkova (film)
Fitz Crawford (words)
Alison Rumfitt (words)
Claudia Treacher (words)
Alejandra Guibert (words)
Khanyisa (music)

Devil’s Dyke Night #3

The Rosehill, Brighton
6th December 2017, 7pm

Fatemeh Takhtkashian (visual art)
Akila Richards (words)
Sebastian Causation (words)
Rosa Farber (words)
Yazmyn Hendrix (music)
Elena Bianco (words)
Sea the Poet (words)

Devil’s Dyke Night #2

ONCA Gallery, Brighton
5th October 2017, 7pm

Hannah Martin (visual art)
Fenn Rose (music)
Nehaal Bajwa (words)
Subira Wahoo (words)
Elana Crowley (words)
Amanda Prawn Star (words)

Devil’s Dyke Night #1

ONCA Gallery, Brighton
9th August 2017, 7pm

Aline Biz (visual art)
Linda Paoli (words)
Savannah Sevens (words)
Kat Sinclair (words)
Prerana (words)
Emma Mackilligin (words)
Nic Lachance (words)
Rum T Franco (music)

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